Monday, May 27, 2019

Human Physical Appearance Essay

The appearances of people is like their cover, that? s why it? s so important, because it? s what female genitals be seen, the first thing you office in a person, and like it or not, it tells a lot. It? s like a book, most of the time it? s judged by it? s front page, the even up thing would be to read the review where you can know the details of it? s content, but what do you notice first? That why I comparison the human appearance with a book, and I affirm that you can? t know a person only by the way they bearing, because it?s not always what it seems, wearing designers clothes not necessarily shows your economic status and you can? t know a person only by their strong-arm appearance, because this can be modified by a very important factor, self-esteem According to the Pequeno Larousse Ilustrado (1976), Appearance is the outside look of a person or thing. In another words is peoples physics, but there ar situations in which the person can be criticized by this, specially du ring the teenage, that are the old age of physical and mental development, but the physical part is commonly judged.Are we really conscious of what we prescribe about other people? , I? m not saying it? s wrong, because the physical appearance is important, but is it all?. The appearance are not always what they look like, and even more in the teenage, the psychiatrist Felix Loracca says that we are modeling are personality in function of what others expect from us. For example, psychologists say that women tend to want to be accepted, not so practically for their personality but for them to feel prettier.Young men indicate a similar case, now that they pay a lot of attention to their physical appearance, without neglecting their clothes, their hair, etc. The way each and every one of the teenagers practice their personal care for their appearance changes from one to another, but basically the aim is the same one, try to look good. Teenagers not only change their clothes, but t heir response, their expressions, their vocabulary and recreative activities.The way they dress and the physical appearance become very important, it can be a way to express solidarity with their friends, or as a way to declare their growing independence from their families. Another important aspect to consider is that clothing not necessarily proves your economical status, and this is more discussable nowadays, because material things dont tell who you really are, a good example of this is Mahatma Gandhi, who despite of everything he owned economically speaking, acted like the most humble person in the world.People use to go for others clothing. Physical appearance influence, but is not determinant when we meet someone, and you cant determine their economy, or their education by this, because everybody can have any kind of clothes or material objects without mattering the cost of these, there is who say fashion, what suits you and people can dress according with what they feel comf ortable with without caring what other people think about them.Elton Mayo says that human relationships are majorly establish in ties that exist between the members of society, thanks to communication, that can have many ways principally visual, linguistically, affective and by specially created languages for the development of complex societies, thats why he affirms that there is some importance in the physical appearance. One of the human needs is to relate with other living creatures, like Maslow shows in his hierarchical pyramid, in the affiliation is the friendship, or the creation of relations with other people.But in any moment he affirms the importance of the physical appearance. The changes in how we look to others are related with our self-esteem and not to our auto-perception, thats why any change in our physical appearance can affect our present ME status, if we dont have the ability to accept and adapt to these changes, in the same way this affects directly in our emoti onal status.In conclusion, physical appearances are an important part of people presence, but they are not determinant in the way to judge them, for what we saw previously. They exist an infinity of questions that we can own as thinking beings, that we lead us to much more questions, but it all ends in ourselves, the answer is in each one of us, you decide what to ft in, how to act with others and how you want them to see you, but without losing your own personality.

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